The Pros and Cons of Grandparenting. What Do the Experts Think?

the pros and cons of grandparenting
Photo by from Shutterstock

1. Pro: Increased social interaction

As we get older, we might realize that we don’t socialize as much as we used to. Our main way of interacting with our peers was through work. But since we retired, this is no longer an option. Maybe we used to go and visit our relatives who lived in another state. But now we are not up to doing it anymore.

If there is any constant in this universe, it is that things change. Yes, things change and will always change, and this is totally normal. So, after retirement, you might realize that your life is not the same as it was before.

Another change that might happen is to become a grandparent. This is something that just happens; it is not a choice. Hopefully, once you become a grandparent, you will have the chance to see with your own eyes the pros and cons of grandparenting.

One of the pros is that your social life might bloom again. First of all, you will connect with your grandchildren, and the time spent in their company can be something truly valuable to you. Secondly, you will have a new door open, and you can interact with other grandparents during some specific activities, like going to the playground or taking the kids from school.

Social interaction is extremely important for any person, and it can significantly improve your well-being, which may lead to a longer and happier life.

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