The 6 Best Activities to Stay Connected with Your Grandkids

stay connected with your grandkids
Photo by fizkes from Shutterstock

2. Stay connected with your grandkids by playing some board games

Kids love to play. This is something that has been the same since the beginning of the world. It doesn’t matter how much society has changed and will change; this is one of those things that will remain the same.

And because this is already a fact, why not stay connected with your grandkids by organizing game nights? Really, this might be an incredible idea that could bring all of you together.

Talk with your grandkids and see what games they like. You can ask them to bring their favorite games, and you can also buy a new one as a surprise.

Try to play the classic Monopoly or a good old-fashioned game of checkers. Mouse Trap or Sorry are also good options. If you want something more strategic, you’ve got Risk or Catan. There are many options, so don’t be afraid that you will not have much to choose from.

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