The 6 Best Activities to Stay Connected with Your Grandkids

stay connected with your grandkids
Photo by Irina Wilhauk from Shutterstock

3. Go on a trip by train

Train rides can be very fun, especially for the young ones. Nowadays, there are not so many people who take the train, but you can go on a train trip as a way to stay connected with your grandkids.

Trains usually go to very beautiful places, so it is a great time to admire the scenery and have a conversation about it. And more importantly, train rides can be real adventures for your grandchildren.

You can book a nice location and have a weekend getaway with them. Visit the mountains and gather some plants to make a herbarium. This is one way to connect with them.

Also, remember that since people are no longer using the train so much, this can be one of those once-in-a-lifetime experiences for them. It’s going to be something that they will always remember.

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