5. Devious or deceptive tendencies
Another way to spot a sociopath is to look for dishonesty. This obviously doesn’t mean that someone who lies a lot automatically has an antisocial personality disorder. However, sociopathic people tend to do that, so you may want to pay attention to any signs of dishonesty.
A sociopath has no real sense of self, so they aim to maintain the impression that they create. They are already wearing a mask, and dishonesty is a second mask on top of that.
This means that when they tell a lie, they may sound like a caricature of someone who is honest rather than a genuinely honest person. For instance, a sociopath may sound like a broken record and repeat phrases that are absolutes, such as “I promise I never did that” or “I am 100% not guilty”.
To spot a sociopath, pay attention to how the person talks when they want something from someone. A sociopath often exaggerates, misrepresents the truth, or distorts the facts in order to get what they want.
When confronted about their dishonesty or caught in a lie, they will use denial or redirection to squirm out of accountability.
Keep reading to discover other ways to spot a sociopath!
One Response
This makes total sense. Sociopaths can be very charming, but once that mask comes off, watch out!!! and yes they do like to hold positions of power. They can be very successful, but they tend to be quite ruthless as well which is why they get to the top I suppose. With that being said, they do not have to many friends as a rule and the only ones they do have, usually are paid to be around, not true friends. I would like to see an article comparing Sociopaths to Narcissist, I believe they have some of the same traits!