10 Signs Your Marriage Won’t Last for Another Year

stay connected with your grandkids marriage won't last
Photo by Monkey Business Images from Shutterstock

You don’t spend your leisure time together.

You’re more the “This Is Us” type, while he is a “The Walking Dead” kind of guy. He prefers going to the gym, while you’re a big fan of long walks. Having different hobbies and preferences is totally normal, especially since you shouldn’t expect to spend all your free time together.

However, make sure you don’t use these activities as a distraction. Because here’s the thing: while it’s perfectly normal to have your own thing going on, you should want to spend a good chunk of your free time with your partner more than anyone else.

You both need to create regular time together as a couple and do things that are fun, which is highly important for a lasting, successful marriage.

You don’t respect each other.

Everything starts with an innocent complaint. Whether it’s the dishes, the laundry, or the fact that he didn’t remember to take you out on Valentine’s, it always starts small.

Then, it slowly but surely evolves into a personality judgment: “You’re never here for me.” or “You’re lazy. Hear me out: This never happens overnight, since little episodes of resentment gradually lead to something bigger that chips away at the foundation of your marriage.

If you constantly put each other down and criticize one another, your relationship is in big trouble.

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