10 Signs Your Marriage Won’t Last for Another Year

fight marriage won't last
Photo by Andrey_Popov at Shutterstock

One partner is constantly criticizing

At some point, negativity becomes the main reason why a marriage won’t last. Most couples decide to divorce because of all the putdowns and criticism they brought into their union.

If there’s something that we constantly overlook, it’s the fact that words can have a lot of power and can be quite dangerous. Whether your partner is nitpicking or doesn’t appreciate you, you might be deeply impacted by his or her words.

The tone we use can also have a lot of power, enough to cause emotional pain and, in some cases, even psychological damage. If you married someone who is extremely critical on a daily basis, then you’re probably in a toxic relationship.

In this case, you need to ask yourself why you want this to work so badly and, in the end, maybe accept that your marriage won’t last.

One or both of you hold grudges.

This is a total relationship killer. You never forgot that he was on a business trip on your birthday. He will never forget that you forgot he had a big interview coming up. Holding a grudge is extremely toxic for relationships.

The main problem is that these exact feelings of resentment can be like rust. They silently erode our capacity to trust and love our significant others.

To move on, you must have told your partner how it made you feel. You both have to allow yourselves to communicate and admit your mistakes. Otherwise, this is another important reason why your marriage won’t last.

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