Insisting he eats your leftovers
Your husband might eat more than you do, but you shouldn’t force him to eat your leftovers just because he can. After all, he is not a human garbage disposal. If you’re really concerned about wasting food, next time you cook, cook less, reduce food portions and learn how to creatively use the leftovers to prepare other dishes instead of shoving them down your husband’s throat, metaphorically speaking.
Being unclear about your bedroom preferences
If you don’t have a good time during your love-making or sexual games with your husband, don’t get upset about your lack of satisfaction afterward. This will only annoy your husband and make him avoid any sexual encounters in the future, for fear he will disappoint you. If you generally like the same things, there is no point in avoiding discussion that will only improve your sex life and unite you even more as a couple.
Speaking of sexual activities, check out 30 Libido Boosters to Help You Have Better Sex.
Making important decisions without him
Let’s say you saw a car you absolutely loved and are thinking of making an offer. If you think that it’ll be ok to just show up at home and surprise your husband afterward, assuming he’ll feel just as ecstatic, think again. An important decision like buying a car or a house should involve both of you, after all, you’ll both be paying the rates/mortgage. If you make important decisions without him, don’t be surprised if he is a bit peeved.
Talking about your past relationships
While stories of exes and past relationships may come up every now and then, constantly talking about your former lovers will surely drive your husband mad at some point. And if you’re comparing your husband with one of your exes, what would you say if he starts comparing your marriage with a past relationship? You better not do it, if you want your marriage to last and both of you to be happy.
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