14 Phrases Successful Couples Use Daily

Successful Couple
Photo by Ground Picture at Shutterstock

“Let’s have some fun!”

If you can playfully tease each other or find some kind of humor during the most tense moments in your relationship, then your union might be stronger than you think.

The most successful couples can work through tension and lighten the mood by finding room for a genuine smile, a silly attitude, or a lighthearted joke.

Need a few ideas on how you can spend some time together and become a successful couple? How about a board game to ensure hours of fun? One of our favorites is THIS one!

“I’m sorry.”

We understand that admitting that you were wrong about something requires swallowing your pride, which isn’t exactly an easy thing to do.

But delivering a sincere apology to your spouse can be the difference between a minor disagreement and a long-standing dispute in your relationship.

Couples counselors say acknowledging a mistake, and its effect on your significant other keeps you connected and moving onward. Without this correction, hurt feelings will ultimately fester and build to a point you both might regret.

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