Schizophrenia: 5 Telltale Signs of a Debilitating Disorder

Photo by fizkes at Shutterstock

Disorganized Or Catatonic Behavior

A disorderly demeanor can include strange behaviors like laughing or smiling for no obvious reason or even a person talking to themselves. It could also include actions that seem to be happening for no reason or even being annoyed or stressed out without an exact cause.

Individuals that have schizophrenia might also have a childlike frivolity about them. Or, they may look disheveled or dressed bizarrely. In some cases, they might also display inappropriate intimate behaviors.

On the other hand, catatonic behavior can include not moving around too much or at all. Some could even refuse to do things or speak. Someone suffering from this condition can also do a lot of unusual movements that don’t have a purpose.

You might find them deliberately in strange positions or notice their unusual gestures or glaring. People with schizophrenia could also have echolalia or echopraxia, which is repeating what others say or how they move.

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4 Responses

  1. Is it possible to have a relationship with someone who has been diagnosed? This person is so Inteligent and is enjoyable to be around half the time, but then can turn on a dime into a complete jerk and make messes and damage things in my home, even stealing items. Until I read this article I had no idea that these behaviors are common. I don’t know what to do because I care dearly for this person, and we’re trying to have a relationship, but it’s no wonder why all of my best efforts have been dethwarted.

    As far as I know he has been prescribed an anti-depressant and Xanax which he doesn’t take most days. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

  2. You did not discuss the onset of Schizophrenia beyond the 20’s for men and 30’s for women.

    Developing Schizophrenia as the result of alcohol abuse, drug abuse, and/or traumatic events.

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