5 Subtle Signs of Paranoia After 60, According to Psychiatrists

narcissistic paranoia after 60
Photo by Tero Vesalainen from Shutterstock

Someone is always threatening their lives

Paranoia after 60 also implies playing the victim role. A predator (or a person or given circumstances) is out to get them. In other words, they always have an enemy. Someone out there is constantly trying to fool or harm them. Or even attack their integrity.

They are in bad luck because there’s an oppressive force they simply cannot control. You’d be shocked, but their world is actually incomplete without predators and enemies. They see the world as a place filled with threats. Life is difficult indeed, and everyone has their own struggles in one way or another.

Everybody has to face daily challenges. And to be completely honest, there’s no shortage of predators. It is about how you view and deal with these predators and life’s struggles. Paranoid people (especially those who are playing the victim’s role) will give up a part of their responsibility, in the sense that you will always hear stories about how someone tried to screw them up.

There’s not a single drop of accountability in their stories. Not to mention that you will always hear similar stories about various people and situations. Their life is always the same: someone tries to harm them. They always get screwed up, and they have a backstory to sustain all the whys and the hows.

If you recognize some of these traits in yourself, it’s okay. Don’t beat yourself up too much over it. After all, we are all navigating our own mental health journeys. However, if you are open to understanding and reading more about it, I have the perfect book for you: The Mental Toughness Handbook by Damon Zahariades.

By reading this book, you will learn how to manage negative emotions and overcome all adversity and anxiety with courage. It’s worth giving it a shot!

Curious to read more? We also recommend reading: 5 Signs Someone Has Bad Intentions With You

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