6 Amazing Mental Health Benefits of Having a Pet

Photo by amfroey from Shutterstock

Physical health

We previously mentioned how important it is to have a pet for boosting your mental health. But did you know that having a dog can also help you develop a healthier physique? Studies have shown that almost 70% of dog owners who walk at least 1 hour a day are healthier compared to those who don’t have pets and have sedentary lives.

When we age, every little bit counts when it comes to physical health, which is why most doctors recommend moving your body for at least 30 minutes a day. Aside from getting the recommended number of steps per day, you will also improve your relationship with your dog. And they will be grateful for the time you’ve spent with them outdoors.

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One Response

  1. I never knew that puppies could help you escape the claws of depression and anxiety. My brother wants to help his in-law adjust to his new living space this year. I think they should start by finding a dog breeder and adopting a puppy to ease his eventual loneliness.

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