6 Amazing Mental Health Benefits of Having a Pet

Photo by Olena Yakobchuk from Shutterstock

Healthier aging process

We can all agree that aging is not an easy process. You discover you’re not the same anymore, and for a lot of people, this can be very painful. Researchers found that seniors who get emotional support from their furry friends are way happier, and they age much better than those who don’t own a pet.

Furthermore, if you have a dog, for example, you have to go out with it every day, twice a day. That will somehow “force” you to get out of your comfort zone, be more social with neighbors who also own dogs, and do a bit more walking on a daily basis.

See? Only benefits! Having a pet challenges you to be more active, which not only reduces stress significantly but also helps you improve your mental health. Doctors dare say that older adults who were dealing with Alzheimer’s or dementia had better results after treatments if they owned a dog or a cat.

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One Response

  1. I never knew that puppies could help you escape the claws of depression and anxiety. My brother wants to help his in-law adjust to his new living space this year. I think they should start by finding a dog breeder and adopting a puppy to ease his eventual loneliness.

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