3. Dwelling on relationships
Obsessively analyzing connections with acquaintances, coworkers, lovers, and family members is common among people with OCD. For instance, they can spend a lot of time debating whether a casual remark made at work turned off a coworker or whether a little misunderstanding ended a romantic connection. This mindset might be a result of having a strong sense of obligation and having trouble dealing with uncertainty.
Remember that a breakup can be painful for everybody, even for those who don’t have OCD. But for those who suffer from this condition, this thought will put a huge mark on their lives, and most of them end up blaming themselves for the misfortune.
Keep in mind that OCD is considered a multidimensional condition from a medical point of view, so all the symptoms may vary from one person to another. We, as individuals, are unique, so nobody else will have the same obsessions and compulsions as we do.
6 Responses
I found it interesting it’s not a fun thing to have but it can be controlled thanks.
I enjoyed this very much, thank you.
They say OCD is a mental health problem. When is being neat and tidy a problem. I could be the opposite dirty and messy and a hoarder to me that’s a problem. If I check the front door couple of times to make sure it’s lock, I look at it as is it clean and people are welcome is not a problem. I call it old age lol. And to me that’s a problem. We all look at life different. When was the last time you saw a roach inside someone apartment that has OCD. I would like to see the study on that one!
Checking the door “a couple of times” to make sure it is locked before leaving on vacation is not OCD. Checking the car doors 5 times before walking into your house after work or checking the house door 7-8 times after re-checking your pets inside 4 times and then making sure the faucet is turned off 3 times and re-checking the AC thermostat 4 times then re-checking your pets again to make sure all of this is safe before being able to get into your car and leave for work in the morning – THAT is what OCD is like. It is crippling.
This article is a specific overview of the conditions
/behaviors in people with OCD. It is concise, informative, and easily comprehended.
Recommending it to several people.