6 Damaging After Effects of Emotional Abuse

Emotional Abuse
Photo by PeopleImages.com – Yuri A at Shutterstock

Approval Seeking And Trust Issues

When the emotional abuse has already damaged your self-worth and confidence, you’re less likely to trust that other people can value or love you as you are.

Your abuser might have been saying: “You’re not enough.” So, you may end up looking for ways to earn the approval of everyone around you. This can include:

  • Always wanting to make sure you look your absolute best.
  • Becoming a people pleaser.
  • Doing everything for others hoping to be appreciated and noticed for it.
  • When others show appreciation for you, it never feels quite convincing enough.
  • Becoming obsessed with accomplishment.
  • You’re still left feeling that you’d better do X, Y, or Z. And you’d better not do A, B, and C. Or the praise you hear will turn into disappointment or angry rants from others, which you’ve become accustomed to.
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