1. Where do you fit into their schedule?
When people are more mature and are also involved in a serious relationship, they are usually invited to come together to each other’s family events. Neglecting to include one of the members of the couple at family events and gatherings is not nice, and you can see this as a clear sign that you might not be their cup of tea.
Another source from Psychology Today says that familial habits that had existed long before you came into the picture are really hard to break. But if we are being honest and objective, when people grow older and have long-term partners, they form another family, whether they are married or not.
But if you feel like this sign applies to your situation, you can have a talk with your partner and maybe you will end up being on the guest list as well.
2. Did you go somewhere with them?
Maybe this one might be a little bit more tricky because you don’t have to be best friends with your spouse’s family. Just like that friend of yours that you always cancel on because you don’t have time for them or you just don’t want their company (aka they are not that important to you), when your partner’s relatives constantly cancel plans on you, they are more likely sending the same message.
3. Here come the passive-aggressive comments
This one is more likely to drive a lot of people crazy. There are a lot of signs that indicate passive-aggressive behavior, such as backhanded compliments, running late, withdrawal, sarcasm, sulking, refusal to communicate, withholding praise, and procrastination.
Scott Wetzler, vice chairman of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Montefiore Medical Center, once said that passive-aggressive behavior is nothing but a sort of “sugar-coated hostility”.
If your partner’s family is acting this way towards you, try to keep your rage in check. Instead of exploding, better state your opinions out loud, but in a manner that is non-judgmental.
4. You get no gifts
Not that you would need any sort of materialistic stuff from your partner’s family, but who are we lying to? Everyone loves gifts, even the smallest ones. That’s because they make us feel appreciated, important, and loved.
Here comes the bad thing: if your spouse’s family doesn’t send you anything on special occasions, such as your birthday, it may be because they don’t find you that important to them.
It’s not about the gift itself, but about the gesture that stands behind it.
5. You are being snubbed
We are all guilty of doing this! I don’t think there is anyone on this planet who didn’t snub someone at least once in their lifetime! That is because sometimes you may not want to stop and chat, even if it’s just for a few minutes. Still, this is impolite behavior.
Snubbing people who are not close to you is one thing. If you are being snubbed by acquaintances it won’t hurt you that much. On the other hand, there is a special kind of snub that makes you feel disrespected and disliked. If your spouse’s family pretends like they don’t see you if you happen to walk past them, it’s a clear sign that you might not be their cup of tea.