10 Signs Your Partner’s Family Doesn’t Like You

Photo by Ruslan Huzau from shutterstock.com

6. You are the walking bank

Although money is not that important for deep love and happiness, it still makes the world go around. What I am trying to say is that if you find yourself paying the tab every time it comes to family gatherings, something smells fishy!

In conformity with Quora’s rules of etiquette, the person who organizes the get-together is the one that should pay the tab at the end. If your spouse’s family is having money troubles, that is a different matter. It is not the biggest sign or the most important one, but when someone picks up the tab, it is a subtle way of showing that they care and vice versa.

7. Your name is still a mystery

Do we even need to discuss this one? This is by far the MOST impolite thing someone can do! If your partner’s relatives can’t remember your name, they are telling you indirectly that they don’t think you are the ideal match, and they believe you are not that important to them!

8. Your words don’t seem to matter

It is never a good feeling when you are part of a conversation, but it seems like no one listens to what you have to say. In conformity with an article posted on Oprah’s site, being left out of a conversation can be seen as emotional drama.

If your in-laws tend to not pay attention to your words, leave you out of the discussion, or even steer conversation points away from you, they either lack respect and courtesy, or they just don’t care about your points of view.

9. Where did you say you work?

The thing you do for a living doesn’t define you, but it can say a lot about what type of person you are. There are times when people have such complicated jobs, that other person can not remember what they do. It is natural to not know everything, but should at least have a vague idea about what your career path is.

If your partner’s family doesn’t make any effort to learn or even remember a tiny part of what you do for a living, it might be a sign that they don’t find you that interesting.

10. Your accomplishments are invisible

When someone accomplishes something, it gives them motivation, satisfaction, and an overall good feeling. As The American Psychological Association says, it is believed that those who ignore someone’s accomplishments cause social pain.

This can hurt as much as physical pain, and it can create serious issues in someone’s mind. If you think that this is happening to you, better talk to your partner about it.


For some people, not getting along with their partners’ families is not the end of the world, while for other people this is a big deal. Either way, it is not easy to know that your spouse’s relatives are just not that into you.

What do you think about these signs? Have you ever experienced any of these? Don’t forget to share your thoughts with us by leaving them in the comment section down below! Want more? Here’s another good one for you: 6 Signs Your Wife Secretly Hates You!

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