Most people assume that a relationship needs grand gestures to function properly, but the truth is it’s the small ones that make you happy. There are many ways in which you can show your love for your partner, and none of them include expensive gifts. If you want to have a happy, long-lasting relationship, you need to find ways to show your affection, because it’s an important part in a couple.
According to dating expert Celia Schweyer of, showing affection has been proven to lower stress levels, release feel-good hormones, and strengthen the bond and trust between partners.
Read on to discover 9 little ways in which you can show your significant other how much you care about them!
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Do something nice for them every day
Small gestures can really brighten someone’s day. Therefore, you could surprise your partner with their favorite meal for dinner or plan a movie night at home with lots and lots of popcorn. Additionally, you could also slip a cute ‘I love you’ note in their bag when they go to work. Telling them how good they look is also a great way to show your affection.
As I previously mentioned, you don’t have to buy expensive gifts to show your partner affection, even the smallest gestures like surprising someone with their favorite meal can let your partner know how much you care for them.
Listen to them
Probably the best thing you can do for your partner is to really listen to what they have to say. Whether they talk about an issue at their workplace, insecurities, or other things that might seem unimportant like the fact that they don’t like ketchup on their pizza, you need to make sure you’re giving them affection and really listening to them. Also, make sure to put your phone down when you’re having a conversation.
Moreover, in order to make your partner feel heard you need to make eye contact during conversation and make sure you give them your full attention. Your partner will really appreciate it when you listen and provide responses that keep the conversation going because it will show them how much you care about them. After all, when you’re in a relationship, their problems are your problems, and the other way around.
According to relationship expert Danny Garrett, you could be affectionate by asking them about the thing that matter to them. “When your partner shares topics that matter to them—their career goals, causes they support, memories they cherish—they’re sharing pieces of themselves with you. Don’t just listen when they discuss it. Ask questions to learn more and show that you’re interested.
Remember these things later, and ask them about it (when it makes sense to) without being prompted.”
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Life can get hectic, but you need to make time for your partner
Your partner will really appreciate it when you make time for them, especially when you have a very busy schedule. Conversely, not spending enough time together can destroy the bond.
Therefore, even though you’re going through a hectic period at work, make sure you set aside some time to show them affection by having dinner together every night or breakfast every morning. Create a routine that works for both of you and stick to it.
Tell them how much you care for them
While actions are way more important than words in a relationship, sometimes you need to verbally affirm that you care about them. Relationship experts recommend telling your partner daily how much you love them. After all, after constantly hearing something, you’re bound to actually start believing it.
Someone who hears on a daily basis sweet words, ‘I love you,’ and confirmations will feel a lot more secure in the relationship than those who barely know how affection feels. According to Plenty of Fish relationship expert Kate MacLean, even a simple ‘Thinking of you’ text in the middle of the day can make someone feel really special and appreciated.
“This will let your partner know that you are thinking about them even during your busy workday.”
Make sure to also check the 8 Little Signs That Your Partner Loves You Big Time.

Physical touch is still important
Even a small sign of affection like holding your partner’s hand while walking on the street can make them feel special, or a kiss before heading to work. Physical and romantic touch will strengthen the bond and make the relationship more secure, according to Psychology Today.
Did you know that physical touch has the power to resolve any kind of conflict and it’s also good for your health, as it can lower blood pressure? Therefore, physical touch and eye contact is the perfect combination, and your partner will take it as a confirmation that you care for them deeply. Additionally, it’s a good indication that you’re both present in the moment and entwined with each other’s emotions.
There is a seven-second rule for kissing, that has proven to release oxytocin known as the bonding hormone that makes people to be emotionally attached to one another. Therefore, a seven-second kiss per day does wonders when showing your partner affection!
Plan a fun activity just for the two of you
If you want to make your partner’s day better, plan something just for the two of you. Take the time to show affection by planning a fun activity or a date night to make your significant other feel special and prioritized. According to Lana Otoya, a professional dating coach at millenialships, a relationship can get monotonous after some time, until it reaches the point where you neglect doing things together.
Instead of finding a reason to fight and saying something like ‘You never take me on a date,’ surprise your partner with a fun activity just for the two of you where you can enjoy each other’s presence. You can make reservations to a restaurant, or go to the cinema to see a movie, or even plan a two days trip for you to relax. I’m sure your partner will really appreciate the affection!
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Remember small details about them
We’ve established already how important it is to listen to what your partner is saying, but it’s also vital to show them affection by remembering small details about them, including the fact that they don’t like ketchup on pizza. Also, remembering small details about someone will make them feel special and heard.
Do something unexpected
According to Otaya, the reason why starting a relationship is so exciting is because our brain is not used to it, it’s something new and interesting. The same thing happens when you show affection by doing something that your partner didn’t expect.
It can be a small gesture like living an ‘I love you’ note on the fridge before leaving to work, preparing a breakfast in bed for them, or spoiling them with a gift even though it isn’t their birthday. All of these gestures will show your significant other how much you care about them, and when someone feels loved, will give love in return.

Help them
No matter what the problem is, you need to be there for your partner and show the some affection. Whether they’re going through a hard period, need help for a project at work, can’t find their car key, or didn’t have the time to do the grocery shopping, you need to be there for them when they need you.
According to Schewyer, if your love language is helping your partner, make sure you’re there for them when they need you because actions speak louder than words.
To conclude, the most important thing you can do for your partner is to be present in the moment, both physically and emotionally. According to Dr. Seth Meyers, couples who show affection on a daily basis through small gestures are much happier than those who don’t.
Also read: 10 Ways to Say “I Love You” Without Using Words.