Money Troubles With Your Spouse? Here Are 7 Smart Tips to Avoid Fights

Money Trouble
Photo by fizkes at Shutterstock

Take The Time To Talk About Your Money Problems

You shouldn’t just sit around stewing about your spouse’s apparent inability to put a dent in their debt. Speculating how much you each spend doesn’t help the matter either. It’s better to agree on a “money talk” night.

It’s not exactly a fun date night, but budget planning pairs well with pizza and wine. The notion that talking about money is taboo, impolite, or not in good taste is still very much present in our society. And it seriously affects how open some couples feel about discussing it.

Having money troubles is the root cause of a lot of guilt, anxiety, and shame. Talking about it can make you both feel vulnerable.

But the goal here is to create a safe space to talk about the challenges in your relationship calmly using facts and figures. Not name-calling and finger-pointing.

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