If Your Partner Does These 6 Things, They’re a Control Freak

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2. They want to know everything

Every time you talk on the phone, they want to be there with you and listen to the whole conversation. “Who are you talking to?” or “Why is it taking so long?” are questions that you always hear from your partner while you are talking on the phone. Maybe your mom called you or your best friend is not feeling great; they want to know all of it.

Also, every time you go out, there is a big fight. “Who are you going to be with?” or “Where are you going?” are other questions that your lover is obsessively repeating. You answer all of them, and they don’t believe you. What can you do now?

This type of behavior is not normal, and it is not your fault. Even if you are in a romantic relationship, you will still have your personal space, and your partner should be aware of this and respect it. If they can’t understand it, maybe they have some problems managing their emotions, which turns them into control freaks.

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