If Your Partner Does These 6 Things, They’re a Control Freak

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Photo by Sabrina Bracher at Shutterstock

5. They dislike your friends

Control freaks are called like this for a reason. When they are in a relationship with someone, they try to control every action the other person is taking. They want to establish order and control, and nothing can stand in their way.

If your partner fits this description, there is a high chance that they don’t like your friends. They want you to spend every moment beside them, and if you have friends, that means you will need to also spend time with them. This might be a major inconvenience.

One clear sign that can indicate this is if you feel like your partner is slowly trying to make you distance yourself from your friends. They can be really overt about this, always complaining and also badmouthing your friends, or they can be silent and just try to make you spend more time with them instead of someone else.

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