9 Things Men Would Like Women To Know

Photo by G-Stock Studio from shutterstock.com

7. They want to be taken care of 

As you already know, women love it when their partners take care of them. That’s because they enjoy being nurtured; it makes them feel important, loved, and appreciated.

But the same thing goes for men. Even though they might not say it, they truly enjoy it when women make it a priority to take care of them. And before you ask, no, they’re not looking for you to be their mother. All they wish for are little things that prove to them how important they are to you.

For instance, instead of waiting for them to come home after a long day of work and asking them what they want to eat, you can cook their favorite meal and have dinner ready when they come home. Or you can surprise them with something they need, such as a new pair of PJs or a new shirt. You can even put lunch together for them and put it in their bag to take to work.

…You don’t have to overcomplicate things. Just think of little details that will make their lives easier and that will show them how much they mean to you! Not to mention, this will also make your relationship even more beautiful, romantic, and sincere, so it’s a win-win!

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17 Responses

  1. This is not just what men want, it’s what everyone wants. The need to be appreciated, treated with respect and love is not exclusive to men.

  2. Alot of what women want, men want to. Just not always in the same format.
    Communication is the most important key to a good relationship.
    One advice I give to newlyweds is while you both are calm and in decent mood, set up some basic rules for fighting. Sound crazy? Yes it does however with rules in place, what could become a nasty and unnecessary fight. Could be nothing more than a minor arguments argument. Also if an argument starts to become nasty, take a break from each other, cool off. If it’s an issue that really needs to be talked about set up an appointment to continue the discussion later.

  3. DUH. Mothers know their sons as well as their daughters…
    Haven’t there been enough centuries of out-of-balance preoccupation with what men want?

  4. It has been one sided for decades. The more the women give the more men take. Men think that they are only to receive. They don’t give back.
    Rough and tumble is not affection and not appreciated.

    1. PK sounds divorced and angry. Perhaps a conversation should be had between partners prior to the relationship getting to that point. Men will often change if allowed to and if they know what the issue is. Comments like “for decades” sounts like it has been decided and therefore it is and will always be. Clearly there are many men that do not fit that description but it will probably take a partner who is willing to give enough time to the relationship, and be open about his/her feelings, in order to see the difference. If anyone starts out with a preset opinion of men, or women as a whole, there is not much of a chance for a successful relationship. Looking for good qualities in someone may provide a better beginning to a relationship than the opinion that all men(or women) are the same and have been for decades.

  5. Do you really need to say they don’t want to be hit?? Lets get out of the dark ages and in to the light people. True partnership is a give and take. Loving and forgiving. Watching each others backs and dealing with each others faults. Sharing your life is a choice. Make it a good one.

  6. My boyfriend always needs time off alone sometimes 2 weeks away. Than come back. It makes me wonder. I am so used to it. Now I look forward for him to give me some space. Good or bad. I do love him

  7. My man only has 3 ways he prefers to spend his time when not working. Eating, sleeping or his phone glued to his face. Sitting in same room for hrs, can only get maybe a 2 minute conversation. That’s my 365 life.

  8. Old School has much to do with misunderstanding like ‘all men are dogs’ or ‘a man ain’t supposed to cry’ and we women many times lack the clarity as to how to (1) refute it all (especially when males have the secret code culture) (2) replace it with what will be the healings males have to go through to exit the life of the ‘fake self’ from Koko in the Rockies

  9. It’s hard for men to not think visually about a woman. Her body. Smells. Voice. Walk. Eyes. Legs. May look at other women. That does not mean he doesn’t love you. Just the opposite. Men are more visual. But, usually if the woman is gentle, speaks softly, takes care of herself, and listens. He is crazy about you.

  10. AGAIN—you are creating problems where there are NONE. You are a “scab picker” promoting discord. You never mention “HUMOR” which is a powerful medicine for petty conflicts.

    Among MATURE couples, humor is the super glue that binds them together. Laughing together, laughing at yourself, laughing at pettiness is truly a gift from your Creator! Enjoy it—take advantage of it.

    Again, this timely advice—GRATIS from your favorite sage, Feral Tomm!

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