5 Signs Grandparents Are the Hidden Heroes Behind Well-Raised Kids

Are well-raised kids a reflection of good grandparenting?

Maybe this often gets overlooked, but grandparents play a big role in the lives of their grandchildren. Who stays with the kids when the parents are unavailable? Who is there in the first line of defense?

Yes, we are talking about the grandparents. They are the ones who help the parents the most, and as a result, they have a say in how the kids are raised.

Most well-raised kids are the way they are because they grew up in a secure environment, and many times the grandparents are those who teach them more about wisdom and life lessons.

Let’s see what the main things grandparents do that change the lives of their grandkids. Are you one of those behind well-raised kids?

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1. They are role models

Well-raised kids have good role models, and many times grandparents are the ones who

take this responsibility. When you already have a certain age, you have lived through various experiences and challenges, and this means you know more about life than even the parents of the young ones.

After you have achieved your goals and overcome various obstacles, it is finally your chance to share this experience with some new souls and teach them more about life.

But this is not everything. Obviously, positive behaviors and values are something that cannot be missed from the experience of well-raised kids, but grandparents are there to also create a strong sense of family and cultural identity.

Have you ever been scared by the process again? If yes, maybe you thought you knew more about all of this. But the best thing is that you have the knowledge to change this for your grandchildren. You can tell them more about the late stages of life and make them aware that there is nothing to be afraid of; it is just the way nature works.

Well-raised kids always have the best role models, and as a grandparent, you can be one of them. Are you ready for this?

2. They offer emotional support

Emotional support is essential when you want well-raised kids. Nobody can grow up healthy without this. When life becomes hard, kids need to know that they are not alone. A good grandparent will always be there for them and this is one of the most beautiful things life has to offer.

Unconditional love and a sense of safety and security are the seeds you can plant so later the kids will be able to navigate life with ease. And you don’t have to do much.

Well-raised kids always had a listening ear or a hug when they needed one the most. Even just spending time together, keep in mind that you should be interested in their inner life and truly listen to them. Get to know them!

As with any human, children will also experience ups and downs, but when someone is there for them, they will learn how to overcome these obstacles in a healthy and resilient way. Listen to their thoughts and feelings, and you can offer them advice without being judgmental.

But there is also space for critical thinking here. Emotional regulation skills are essential, and your guidance can help the kids learn how to express their feelings and how to manage strong emotions. According to research, children who have close ties with their grandparents tend to have higher emotional control skills, which can lead to better social and educational results.

Also, kids who have a strong bond with their grandparents are less likely to suffer from anxiety and depression. This connection will act as a buffer and protect the kid from all the stress that can hinder their quality of life.

3. Improved academic performance

When thinking about well-raised kids, many people might think about kids who have good grades and like to study. While this is not true at all, since well-raised kids don’t always have to get above average grades to make everybody aware of this “status,” there are some studies that show how a good relationship with the grandparents can indeed help them get better grades.

Grandparents can support academic performance by helping the young ones with homework and providing them with expertise in various subjects. They can also share their perspective on education and tell them inspiring stories. Why is education important, and how can it help you in your life? Grandparents respond to these questions many times, and this can encourage the kids to learn more.

According to an AARP poll, 42% of grandparents reported assisting their grandkids with homework or school projects a minimum of once a week. 87% of the grandparents reported that their engagement improved their grandchildren’s academic performance.

4. Less behavioral problems

This is the direct result of all the support grandparents provide. Well-raised kids have fewer chances of showing signs of behavior problems and emotional imbalances because they know how to deal with the various challenges of life.

When grandparents are always there to offer their support, this creates a sense of continuity. The kids will know that they have someone who is there for them, and this can help them explore the world without any fear. This is an important step that any kid should take, and when you are a part of this process, you can be sure it’s going to be a good learning experience.

This stable and supportive environment teaches the kids that all is well and they don’t have to worry. If something happens, they have some trustworthy adults in their life, and this will lead to healthy emotional development.

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5. Better social skills

As we already said, well-raised kids generally have a good support system, and when this happens, they feel safer and might approach social situations in different ways compared to kids who don’t have a safety net.

Research has demonstrated that grandparent-grandchild connections can improve children’s social abilities. Research published in Social Science & Medicine discovered that children who had strong ties with their grandparents had superior social skills, such as greater empathy and fewer behavioral issues.

Also, when kids spend more time with their grandparents, they are given more opportunities to interact with people from different age groups and backgrounds, and over time this can only lead to positive outcomes.

If you are not sure of what to do when you are trying to get closer to your grandkids, we have some ideas of activities you can do together. Most of them will help you create a stronger bond and have a fun time together.

First of all, probably the most entertaining one from the list, at least for the kids, is engaging in active play. Yes, this is exactly what you understand. Take a walk with the kids, play with them, and create various little art projects or cook together.

Another thing you can do is read together. This will help them develop their imagination. Take them to the bookstore, where they can discover new books. Always discuss with them after reading.

Doing all of these will help your grandchildren develop more and adapt socially much easier. Remember that as a grandparent, your role is essential, and you are the hidden hero behind well-raised kids.

If you want to learn more about this topic, this book might help you: Raise Emotionally Empowered Kids: Develop Mentally Strong, Resilient Children in the Digital World

You should also read: 7 Shocking Signs You Might Be a Toxic Grandparent




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