6 Psychological Tricks to Manipulate ANYONE

psychological tricks
Photo by lunopark from Shutterstock

1. Mirroring

Yeah, mirrors can be tricky. After all, they are one of the main tools of magicians, right? Add some smoke, and you are all set. But we are here today to talk about psychological tricks, and even in the realm of the human mind, mirrors still have power. More precisely, the technique of mirroring.

As you might think, the psychology behind this trick is all about mimicking the person you want to manipulate. What is curious is that this can sometimes happen naturally, and it is called “The Chameleon Effect.” We tend to copy the attitudes, postures, and many other behaviors of the people that surround us.

You may take advantage of this by purposefully adopting the mannerisms and other habits of the people you want to influence. Due to the fact that you’ll physically remind others of themselves, this creates a feeling of trust and makes you look more relatable and reliable.

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