6 Psychological Tricks to Manipulate ANYONE

psychological tricks
Photo by aomas from Shutterstock

3. Over-asking might do the trick

This is one of those psychological tricks that is older than the hills. Really! People have been using this since forever, and guess what? It doesn’t matter that it is something that everyone knows about; it still works like a charm.

So next time you want someone to do something for you, try this method. It is also known as the Door in The Face technique, and you will soon find out why.

If you want to use this trick, you have to get ready to ask your target for something completely outrageous. Why would you do that, you might ask? Well, if you start with this incredible request, they will refuse you. After that, the real request will seem like a breeze compared to the first one, and the chances of accepting it are much higher. Smart, isn’t it?

The name Door in The Face technique comes from the simple and popular concept of people who are tired of hearing what a pushy salesperson has to say and are slamming the door in their faces.

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