9 Reasons Your Grandkids Avoid You Now

Photo by Monkey Business Images from Shutterstock

Are all grandparents-grandkids relationships the same?

The relationships between grandparents and grandkids vary from family to family. Although we often see in movies perfect relationships where the grandchild rushes into the grandparent’s arms as soon as they see them, in reality, it’s not always like that.

Psychologists tell us that parents a crucial factor in the grandparent-grandkid relationship. If the parents have a good relationship with the grandparents, the same will apply to the grandkids in most cases.

However, if our grandchildren don’t like us at all and behave poorly towards us when they see us, what can we do to improve our relationship with them?

Read on in the article and discover the 9 reasons why grandkids avoid you or why you don’t have a good relationship.

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