15 Unmistakable Signs You’re Falling In Love

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You give them your full attention

When something is real, you can’t deny it. According to Sadie Allison, Ph.D., educator, and founder of GoLove CBD lube, when you’re in love, the other person will get your full attention and there’s nothing else more important.

You will find it very easy to listen to them, show interest, and maintain eye contact with them while they’re talking. You forget to look at your phone because the conversation is so captivating.

Thinking about an outstanding date idea to surprise your partner? Click here to see 15 Amazing First Date Ideas for People Over 40.

You want them to meet your family

You know it’s real when you want to introduce them to your family. According to Sadie Allison, it’s definitely more than a little crush when you’re feeling comfortable with them being around your family members.

So if you’re planning on inviting them to spend the holidays at your parents’ house, Cupid hit you again. You feel like you love them already, but you don’t want to say the words? Here are 10 Ways to Say “I Love You” Without Using Words.

You’re not interested in dating other people

Being in love is like being blind or having eyes only for your partner. According to Allison, when you’re freshly in love, you no longer feel the need to have other backup crushes, because you’re so confident that this one will be enough.

Especially if you were used to going on a lot of dates, and meeting new people before meeting your partner, noticing that you no longer feel the need to date other people is a good indicator that love is in your air.

Make sure to also read the 10 Surprising Signs Your Partner is a Keeper.

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