15 Unmistakable Signs You’re Falling In Love

Photo by KieferPix from Shutterstock

You no longer think about your ex

Remember that ex you used to be stuck on? Me neither. If you no longer feel the need to stalk your ex’s social media account just to see what they’ve been up to or you never think about them anymore, then you finally moved on.

As a psychiatrist and mental health consultant Rhonda Mattox, MD, likes to say, if you’re no longer stuck on trolling your ex’s Facebook or Instagram account, you’re prepared to create new memories with your new partner.

Social media makes trusting people even harder than it already was. Click here to read more about the 18 Social Media Habits That Are Still Considered Cheating.

Everything reminds you of them

Oh, air… they love breathing, too. Every time you go to the grocery store and see something they like, you immediately think of them, and the same goes for the thing they don’t like. No matter where you go, they’re always on your mind, and that’s because you’re madly in love, my friend.

You might also like: 12 Painful Signs Your Significant Other Isn’t In Love With You Anymore

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