2. You don’t think that you are always right
In any conflict, there are two big groups of people: the ones who think that they are always right and the ones who aren’t. Now, between the two of them, which one are you a part of? If you often tend to think that you are wrong, this might be a sign that you are more intelligent than the average person.
We all know those people who always proclaim they are right, and they want everyone to know that. This is a classic example of the Dunning-Kruger effect. What is the Dunning-Kruger effect, you might wonder? This is a pretty common cognitive bias in which some people believe they are smarter and so much better than others. If we take this and combine it with a lack of self-awareness, we will get a person who overestimates their competence and intelligence.
When you are a wise person, a truly wise person, you know that you know a lot, but you are also aware that there is so much left to learn and explore in this world. Wisdom is not about always being right while others are wrong. A wise move you can make during an argument is that when you realize that you are wrong, you take a step back and admit your mistakes.