3. You’re a lone wolf
There are numerous studies that confirm the following: the more someone socializes, the happier they will be. But this is no longer true when you have a higher IQ than the average. If you are a part of this small percentage of the population, socializing with other people and friends won’t do much for you, and your level of satisfaction in life will not be higher.
A British study that followed the lives of people aged 18 to 28 concluded that the frequency with which an average person socializes is directly proportional to their level of happiness. That means the more often you see your friends, the happier you will be. But the same study found that this is not true for those who are highly intelligent.
But what is the reason for this? The theory goes something like this: those who are smarter are inclined toward long-term goals, and because of this, the time spent with fines can become an obstacle between them and their achievements.
So, whether you enjoy spending time alone focusing on a project, learning something new, developing a business plan for your company, or grinding away at all the processes necessary to achieve your objectives, don’t think of yourself as a loner. There is a possibility that you are just smarter than all of us.