Psychological Advice on How to Deal With a Stubborn Daughter-in-Law

deal with a stubborn daughter-in-law
Photo by fizkes from Shutterstock

Is your daughter-in-law a tad difficult? Here’s how you can deal with a stubborn daughter-in-law according to psychologists

We’ve all heard of the classic story of the spiteful and resentful mother-in-law, but what about the warning signals of a toxic daughter-in-law who doesn’t like her husband’s family and she will do whatever it takes to keep him away from them?

While minor problems with the daughter-in-law are a frequent household occurrence that affects every family, there are some cases in which the situation escalated quickly and turned into something really bad.

It’s challenging to comprehend what a hostile daughter-in-law wants from the family, and the transition process generally takes longer when this is the case.

So, without further ado let’s take a step further into a psychological analysis of toxic behaviors and see if your daughter-in-law fits into the description and you can deal with the situation. The story continues on the next page.

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2 Responses

  1. I love my daughter-in-law, she has a heart of gold and would help anybody in need. But often when I invite them all for dinner, she will not always come & my son has to make excuses for her. It’s hard to understand but I am never sure if she will come. This Christmas she claimed she was too tired & my son shopped & brought all the appetizers & picked up & returned some of the guests who don’t drive. I wonder if she has bipolar or depression. She & my son have been together for 25 years & have 2 beautiful girls. I know she isn’t keen on my oldest son & his wife but that should not keep her from being here for me. It worries me that the girls will think it’s fine if they don’t want to attend a dinner or party, just to stay away like their Mother does. Is this something to worry about or should I just ignore it and carry on? She & I get along very well & she has been a wonderful daughter-in-law, it’s just these strange actions make me worry.
    Thank You

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