Panic Attack Coping Strategy: Try Supplements
There are many options you can buy over the counter that can help you fight panic attacks or that are just generally calming. For instance, 5-HTP is “5 hydroxytryptophan,” which the body turns into serotonin once consumed.
This is essential because, as we already know, serotonin is a substance that improves moods and which also relaxes our minds. Another comparable alternative is to eat anything that will boost GABA.
It’s unclear when GABA supplements themselves will cross the blood-brain barrier, but there are other supplements out there that can raise this substance naturally and can aid with panic attacks as a result.
But before you purchase anything regarding a panic attack coping strategy, we strongly recommend you check with your physician first.
Be sure to let us know if you’ve gone through this and if you have any of your own panic attack coping strategies you’d like to share with our readers.
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