6 Signs You Have a Narcissistic Mother

Narcissistic Mother
Image by Richard OD from Shutterstock

6. They gaslight you

The manipulative tactic of gaslighting is a common weapon used by those affected by narcissism, and if your caretaker does the same, you might have a narcissistic mother. When someone is gaslighting you, they deny your reality and twist the truth as a tactic to make you question your reality.

Imagine that you have a very clear memory of an event, and then your mother tells you that this thing you are talking about never happened. Or it never happened the way you remember it. Then they keep insisting that their distorted narrative is the truth, and it might feel incredibly confusing to you.

Over time, you lose your sense of confidence, and you might even start to apologize for things you’ve never done. You’ll do this because you don’t want to upset your narcissistic mother. After all, each time she is angry, a new gaslighting episode occurs.

Doubting your own perceptions is not normal, and it’s important to seek support as soon as you are able to do so.

If you want to learn more about this topic, this book might be helpful: Narcissistic Mothers: How to Handle a Narcissistic Parent and Recover from CPTSD

You should also read: 6 Reasons Why People Fall in Love With Narcissists

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