6 Signs You Have a Narcissistic Mother

narcissistic mother
Photo by New Africa from shutterstock.com

5. Everything is about them

This is a main trait of any narcissist, and as you’d expect, it also applies to your narcissistic mother. All conversations are always about them, and nothing can stop this. Imagine that you are excited to tell them about some good news, and the conversation is constantly circling back on their accomplishments and experiences.

This is not how a healthy conversation works. Conversation involves give-and-take, and all parties take turns to share and listen. You might be surprised by the fantastic ability of a narcissist, in this case, your narcissistic mother, to make every topic about themselves and then redirect it to them, even if the conversation is about you.

The worst part about this behavior is that it hinders a genuine connection. When one person feels not listened to, there will appear emotional distance, and from there on, every conversation you’ll have will be superficial.

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