6. Stop hoarding
If you have a cluttered home, read this one carefully, because it’s one of the things you should stop after 60 (or as early as you can, to be honest). As you age, you probably accumulate lots of belongings over the years, and that’s amazing, but if you have more things than space, it can become a problem.
Holding on to too many things will make your home look cluttered and small, and it can make you feel anxious. If you want to make some extra money and clear your head at the same time, I recommend you block a couple of hours on your schedule and start decluttering. You can donate your things, organize a yard sale, or sell them online on Facebook Marketplace, Craiglist, Poshmark, Depop, Etsy, or eBay.
2 Responses
Well, you can obtain a heart/pressure monitor you place on your finger and monitor it yourself. Then you have peace of mind between doctor check ups
Hi Carolyn, True what you said about the Blood pressure monitor, It is important and helps me to decide if I need a blood pressure pill or not. I have one here at home. I feel safer that way, especially because I have arteriosclerosis. Thank you for your tip.