10 Warning Signs You Should Talk to a Therapist

Photo by Jozef Sowa from Shutterstock

8. You use unhealthy coping skills

Have you ever thought about the fact that your coping skills might not be as healthy as you think they are? Some people adopt unhealthy coping mechanisms, such as binge eating or drinking, as a result of negative thoughts, unpleasant emotions, and self-defeating actions. That underlines what we stated earlier about drastic changes regarding appetite or weight loss. All these are part of unhealthy coupling mechanisms that do more damage than good to you.

Understand that practically any coping mechanism might develop harmful effects. Aside from creating additional complications in your life, sleeping through your problems or reading nonstop to avoid having to deal with your emotions can both be problematic. Consider talking to a therapist as soon as possible if you identify these coping skills in your day-to-day life.

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2 Responses

  1. I need to see a therapist. I have no social network that I trust and I need to talk to someone. My friends and sister only want to talk about their problems and none of them want to listen to what I want to talk about.

  2. I need a psychiatrist today. My brother died, then my mom. My fiancé breaks up with me and gets in my face, I call the cops and I have 3 months to leave, I left the next night. I have no job and I did but he told me not to worry.. if they’re physically or mentally abusing me, he threw me out through all my stuff on the front line, but I lived in a 3000 square-foot house for 10 years. All my stuff did not fit inside of my car now he won’t let me go back and get it. He’s got my cats, my dog and I was on the street. I need a psychiatrist.

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