Parkinson’s Disease: 9 Unusual Signs You Have It!

Parkinson's Disease
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3. Orthostatic hypotension

Orthostatic hypotension (OH) is a non-motor symptom of Parkinson’s disease that can cause falls, syncope, dizziness, trouble thinking, shortness of breath, fatigue, blurred vision, shoulder, neck, or low-back pain when standing up.

Besides OH, patients might also experience a decrease in blood pressure while changing postures, like getting up from a seated to an upright position. Lightheadedness and dizziness are possible symptoms of orthostatic hypotension, so everything is linked together.

4. Voice volume

Another symptom PD patients might experience is speaking softly and with little variation in tone. Short, abrupt bursts of speech are often generated, with awkward gaps between sentences and lengthy delays before really speaking. Other than that, slurred speech is also possible.

According to experts, people who sing are also affected by this because their voices are no longer as strong as they once were, and they must perform exercises and use various techniques to strengthen their vocal cords again.

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5 Responses

  1. This information has been very helpful as I am caring for a man with PD. You mentioned some signs I was not aware of.

    1. Patience
      Encourage excersise
      My husband us 15 years in to diagnosis which was given when he was 52
      We are now battling crippling hallucinations and dementia which has almost brought us both to our knees
      Remain positive always but be mindful that medications have consequences which can lead to having to deal with other problems
      Walk move move move however small amounts any amounts are beneficial
      Enjoy every day without looking forwards too much with gentle encouragement and support your friend will still be a part of the wonderful human race

  2. This information is extremely important. My next door neighbor was recently diagnosed with Parkinsonism. She will definitely value this article.

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