Parkinson’s Disease: 9 Unusual Signs You Have It!

Parkinson's disease
Photo by sebra from

5. Fatigue

Most people who are diagnosed with something, like COVID-19, mental health problems, physical health problems, or even big changes in their lives, have fatigue as one of their symptoms. Despite how unbelievable it sounds, Parkinson’s disease is no exception, and according to research, even if the majority of symptoms are mild, people with PD often experience fatigue early on in the condition’s progression.

What’s interesting about this is that it’s possible to feel exhausted without experiencing any other symptoms, but it’s also possible to have additional problems, such as trouble sleeping, discomfort, or even despair. Fatigue might be triggered and worsened by stress, which is exactly why patients need to call their doctors ASAP.

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5 Responses

  1. This information has been very helpful as I am caring for a man with PD. You mentioned some signs I was not aware of.

    1. Patience
      Encourage excersise
      My husband us 15 years in to diagnosis which was given when he was 52
      We are now battling crippling hallucinations and dementia which has almost brought us both to our knees
      Remain positive always but be mindful that medications have consequences which can lead to having to deal with other problems
      Walk move move move however small amounts any amounts are beneficial
      Enjoy every day without looking forwards too much with gentle encouragement and support your friend will still be a part of the wonderful human race

  2. This information is extremely important. My next door neighbor was recently diagnosed with Parkinsonism. She will definitely value this article.

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