7 Early Signs of Mental Illness Only Seniors May Feel

mental illness
Photo by lucigerma from Shutterstock

3. Feeling guilty or worthless

A mental health issue like depression may be indicated by thoughts such as “I’m a failure,” “It’s my fault,” or “I’m useless.” If a friend or family member is constantly berating or blaming themselves, they may need help. Listen to what they have to say without judging or yelling at them. These types of people (especially seniors) are more sensitive than others, and such actions can make them feel even more worthless!

When the situation is dire, a person could express the desire to harm or kill themselves. The ugly truth, without exaggeration, is that depression is strongly connected with suicide, and since 2015, more than 42,000 people have died from suicide in the United States. Depression is no joke, so be mindful about it and be there for someone if they need it!

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2 Responses

  1. I can directly identify with the fact that I’m dealing with depression,and have for a long time!

  2. i have been dealing wjth depression for 5 years now, it all started with the damage left behind from cancer, yes i did survive but now i feel like a freak. whos out there to help i cannott find anyone i cant take this much longer

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