7 Early Signs of Mental Illness Only Seniors May Feel

mental illness
Photo by AnnaStills from Envato Elements

4. Alcohol abuse

Do you know somebody who is facing the symptoms of mental illness? Or do you feel numb or hopeless? It’s time to ask for help! Mental illness is no joke; take care of yourself and your loved ones.

Often, people who suffer from mental illness find “comfort” in alcohol. During intoxication and withdrawal, alcohol consumption can produce symptoms of psychosis, psychosis-like symptoms, depression, anxiety, and antisocial conduct. But why do people who suffer from mental illness exaggerate their drinking? Various psychologists who had a lot of patients who consumed alcohol on a daily basis said that treating them was a challenge. more because of the root of the issue and less because of the addiction.

Those who consume alcohol regularly do so in order to forget the truth and the world around them. Drinking makes everything seem easier in the beginning, but once you’re an addict, nothing will seem or be better from that point on. If you know someone who has this issue, or somehow you recognize yourself between the lines, ask for help as soon as possible!

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2 Responses

  1. I can directly identify with the fact that I’m dealing with depression,and have for a long time!

  2. i have been dealing wjth depression for 5 years now, it all started with the damage left behind from cancer, yes i did survive but now i feel like a freak. whos out there to help i cannott find anyone i cant take this much longer

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