Misdiagnosed Mental Illnesses: 4 Shocking Ones Commonly Overlooked

Misdiagnosed Mental Illnesses
Image By Vitalii Vodolazskyi From Shutterstock

Borderline personality disorder

Also known as BPD, it is a common misdiagnosed mental illness, and the reasons for that are numerous. The main reason is that men may have to deal with this mental health illness since people still assume that women are the main people who will develop this mental health issue, thus not even considering this diagnosis for men. Over the years, this has resulted in hundreds of misdiagnosed mental illnesses, just because people were not willing to admit the fact that BPD affects both men and women equally!

Another serious reason why this happens with borderline personality disorder is the fact that the numbers are not exact; the National Alliance on Mental Illness estimated that between 2% and 1% of people live with this condition. And due to its scarcity, most professionals are reluctant to diagnose it since treating it is difficult and because the symptoms are similar to those of other mental health conditions.

Since the symptoms of this mental health condition are similar to those of PTSD, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, and depression, just to name a few, most patients end up being misdiagnosed as having bipolar 2. One way to make sure that this misdiagnosed mental illness ends up getting more awareness is to keep getting informed and always seek a second-advised medical option if we sense something may not be right!

One way to make sure we understand this disease and its symptoms as non-medical people is by reading about it and trying to understand it.

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