5 Shocking Reasons You Might Be Struggling with Sleep

These are the most common reasons you are not sleeping well

Not getting enough sleep is one of the things that will affect your mental health as well as your physical health. There are many reasons you are not sleeping well, but do you know them?

Poor sleep is a common problem that affects about 30% of all adults in the United States. Whether they struggle to fall asleep or stay asleep, these problems can lead to many other problems. For example, not getting enough sleep can cause mood changes and is also linked to anxiety and depression.

In case you have trouble sleeping, you should know a few things because there are many factors that can contribute to this issue. There are some things you need to do in order to get good sleep, and there are also some things you need to avoid.

Read on and find out some of the most common reasons why you are not sleeping well.

reasons you are not sleeping well
Image By Danijela Maksimovic From Shutterstock

1. Caffeine

As you might think, one of the reasons you are not sleeping well is, for sure, caffeine. If you decide to drink a cup of coffee right before bed, this is not a good idea, but even the drinks you’ve consumed hours before going to sleep can impact how well you will rest.

The half-life of caffeine is about five to six hours, but it can vary a lot, and real evidence from studies shows that depending on the individual, the half-life of caffeine can range between 2 and 12 hours. This is a pretty wide range, and it shows how much time your body needs to eliminate all the caffeine from the system.

So, if you drink caffeine in the afternoon, your body might still work at night to take it out of your system, and this results in sleep that is not restful.

This is why it is better to drink caffeine up until 2 p.m. Drink it early in the day, and then stop before 2 p.m. Also, take care and avoid hidden caffeine sources. Coffee is not the only thing that contains caffeine. You can also consume caffeine from tea, soda, and other foods and beverages, such as chocolate.

2. Alcohol right before bedtime

Maybe you enjoy having a glass of wine in the evening, and this is not a problem. But always be careful about how much you drink before going to bed, because too much alcohol in the evening can be one of the reasons you are not sleeping well.

At first, alcohol will make you feel more relaxed and drowsy, but after a while, when you try to sleep, alcohol can disrupt your sleep cycle and impair your ability to sleep well. It can easily mess with your body’s circadian rhythm. The circadian rhythm is the “master clock” that controls your body’s functions, such as metabolic processes, levels of energy, the immune system, and sleep.

Studies have shown that moderate alcohol consumption before bedtime will reduce sleep quality by 24%. Drinking even more alcohol before going to sleep will impact its quality by 39.2%!

Now, you don’t have to avoid alcohol at all costs. You can still enjoy a drink, but you just need to be aware that drinking alcohol before sleep can affect your body, and you have a higher chance of not feeling rested the next day.

3. Room Temperature

The environment in which you are going to sleep is incredibly important. The space where you sleep can seriously impact the quality of your sleep, and this is why you should always be careful about room temperature. This can be an environmental discomfort, which makes it one of the reasons you are not sleeping well.

Never sleep in a room that is too hot or too cold, as this can disrupt your sleep and you will wake up tired the next day. But keep in mind that a room that has a lower temperature—not very cold but not hot—can be the most suitable space to sleep.

A cold room is a better choice because if you keep the temperature low, you are sure you will not wake up in the middle of the night overheated and angry. Also, since your temperature decreases at night when you sleep, the lower temperature in the room can make the whole process more relaxing, and you have a higher chance of falling asleep more easily.

But we are not the only ones who say this. According to research, one of the most important elements influencing whether or not you sleep properly each night is room temperature. Based on a study, greater heat exposure reduced slow-wave and REM sleep.

It all depends on your sleeping habits. For example, if you like sleeping in pajamas under heavy bedding, you will need to lower the temperature. Less clothing and lighter bedding mean you might feel more comfortable sleeping in a warmer room. It is all about personal preferences.

4. Sleep disorders

One of the main reasons you are not sleeping well is a sleep disorder. A lot of people struggle with sleep disorders, and they are not even aware of it. Sometimes, when you are used to not getting a good night’s sleep, you start to believe that that is normal, but this is not how things work.

If you can’t sleep well for nights in a row, you probably have a sleeping disorder. Some of the most common sleep disorders are insomnia, narcolepsy, sleep apnea, restless legs syndrome, and parasomnias. Even if sleep disorders are not uncommon, less than 20% of those who suffer from insomnia get diagnosed and treated for this condition.

Out of all of these disorders, sleep apnea affects a larger percentage of people. When you have sleep apnea, you will stop breathing more times per night because the upper airways are blocked. It is a brief stop for about 10 seconds, but it disrupts your sleep because you will need to wake up to breathe.

If you feel you have a sleep condition, such as sleep apnea, consult your doctor. You may be directed to a sleep expert, who may recommend changes to your habits or specific devices that will help you breathe and rest better at night.

reasons you are not sleeping well
Image By Prostock-studio From Shutterstock

5. Stressing too much

If you are wondering why you can’t sleep at night, you should know that stress and worry are some of the most common reasons you are not sleeping well. If you stay in bed and right before sleep you start thinking about what you need to do the next day or stress about bigger problems in your life, be sure that you will not fall asleep easily.

Also, according to research, there is a strong link between insomnia and anxiety. Many times, those who suffer from insomnia also have a comorbid psychological disorder.

This is a problem because the more anxious you are, the more likely you are to develop insomnia. Even worse, if you don’t sleep well, your anxiety will get worse. This is a vicious circle that is hard to escape without specialized help.

Hopefully, there are many techniques that can help you reduce anxiety and get a good night’s sleep. If you are struggling with this, your doctor can ask them what to do.

If you want to find out more about how to sleep well, this book might help you: The Sleep Book: How to Sleep Well Every Night

You should also read: 10 Most Common Types of Trauma Explained




One Response

  1. Drinking coffee indeed makes me awake till morning, but drinking half a glass of wine makes me sleep 2 to 3 hours right away, even if I am awake, I don’t want to get out of bed. I read on the web
    In my e-mail to one of the naturalists that drinking more water makes you sleep, I tried that and it works. the only thing is it wakes me up to pee.

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