6 Reasons Why People Fall in Love With Narcissists

fall in love with narcissists
Photo by RealPeopleStudio from Shutterstock

4. They are attracted by them

Narcissists are known to be attractive. They look good, or at least they give this impression, because they have a lot of confidence. And people who are confident are known to be more attractive in the eyes of others.

More than that, narcissists are incredibly flattering. They know how to seduce someone, and because of this, it is extremely easy to fall for them. They are funny, they are nice, they seem to understand you, and they seem to be liked by everyone. Why wouldn’t you date a person like this?

But behind this fantastic image, the narcissists are still narcissists. They use their ability to seduce in order to attract people around them. This is one of the reasons why people fall in love with narcissists.

Many times, after you get close to them, they will start to feel threatened and break up with you in a confusing and upsetting manner. No explanations were given.

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One Response

  1. I found this article to be quite insiteful as i have read the previous ones reguarding the signs to be aware of that you have been or that you currently are in a relationship with a narcissist. The biggest hurdles for me to get over was that constant need to seek closure when the need to understand why or how ome to love unconditionally a woman that ,after reading articles on the subject, have concluded more and more a strong possibility she in fact is a narcissist. After Eight years of being in a relationship/ marriage with this person ,this was the one topic that I still had not yet come to any logical conclusions to, and in fact to this day even had just given up on on the serch to find such answears as to how I could love somebody so cruel and cold and selfish as she was/is still to this day. So in fact this article has given me, inpart some possible closure I had been seeking even years after the marrage to this person had ended.

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