8 Signs a Mother-in-Law Is Secretly Jealous

Photo by airdone from Shutterstock

5. Boundaries? She will always cross them

Have you ever faced a situation where your mother-in-law suddenly shows up at your door without calling first? That’s called crossing a boundary, and in most cases, a jealous person will never know what a boundary is. They feel entitled to visit you whenever they want, no matter if you’re busy doing something else. And if they don’t receive what they want, they’ll most likely make a scene and argue because you weren’t there to satisfy their needs.

Psychologists say that people who do that want to cross the line as much as possible because, in the end, they will always look like victims anyway. In this case, a mother-in-law who wants to challenge your patience is actually seeking a fight between you and her son because she expects that he will take her side no matter what.

Do you know somebody like this? Or did you have to deal with this type of behavior from your own mother-in-law? Tell us in the comments.

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