A lot of people are going to couple therapy, but unfortunately, there are some red flags that no therapist can fix!
Whenever you get into a relationship, you expect sunshine and rainbows, but unfortunately, the road will also have a few bumps and hiccups. Since we are humans and probably we’ve all been through some trauma or bad events, this has changed our life perspectives and, most importantly, our character.
This may be fixed with the right therapy, especially if both of you are willing to work on yourselves. However, during this process, you will establish what constitutes a deal-breaker in your relationship, because what one person thinks is unacceptable, another may be open to working through it.
Even when the couple has had therapy, there are some red flags that no therapist can fix. Let’s see which ones are deal-breakers, no matter what your heart says. The rest of the article is on the next page.
9 Responses
This is all very beneficial. Especially when the couple were raised in different parts of the world in different cultures.
I left my country to be with her, and am having difficulties ever since I have arrived for the third time and left everything behind where I am from.
Great information, how do you find the person for you at an age of 65. or more. Some time money and health get in the way.
Yeah, those will do it. We had the intimacy so to speak, but if it was really only physical and not emotional and it was when the other half decided they wanted to be cordial, was it ever really intimate? See communication and empathy. We could spend lots of time comparing notes here
If therapists can’t fix these problems what good are they?
Sometimes you just have to walk away. Not looking back.
Being in a relationship with a narcissist was horrible. Controlled everything. Only cared about his needs intimately. Was told I could take care of myself in that aspect of the relationship.
The biggest problem is people belief factor
Are you Spiritually together?
Many can agree on the Natural things of Life
If one’s Spiritual Life is not built on the right Foundation, One will surely have a battle
The other factor is many don’t take the time to make sure as much as possible to examine themselves about the type of person they desire to have in their life
My brother would say I want a good woman and I in return would ask are you a good man?
We have to very careful with our decisions Yes in some cases one can be deceived
I’ve found you can like many people but the one that clicks with you is usually the one that is simply put Mature and not vain
Two can’t walk together unless they can have Respect and True Love not Lust
Lust will always be there, but not necessarily the one to put a ring on
Don’t be over anxious and take your time
When love is truly true from both , Nothing are no one can break you, yes as long as one lives there’s always going to be something that will challenge your commitment
But in the end only the two of you can decide where you desire to be
So I Leave With This Question
Would You Like To Live With Out The One You’re With?
This is an excellent article and definitely on point. Unfortunately, I have a feeling that not many are open to input when they are in love. It’s so hard to see through the rose colored glasses. It’s an excellent article.
I would add “porn” to the addictions list. It kills intimacy and creates distance. A therapist I knew (a good one) said the hardest couples work to do was when the two partners are at different developmental levels. Also that by the time a couple gets to therapy, the therapist’s job may be to help them split as amicably as possible. FWIW.