Having Trouble Earning Respect From Others? These 7 Simple Behaviors Could Explain It

Earning Respect From Others
Photo by Andrii Yalanskyi at Shutterstock

You know what they say: “Respect is earned, not given.” Are you earning respect from others?

Have you ever wondered why some people cut you off when you’re trying to make a point? Or why do they make fun of you during a social situation? It can be very uncomfortable and discouraging when you’re not appreciated or getting respect from others.

And sadly, we sometimes give off signals that diminish other people’s regard for us. You may not even realize you’re doing it. Some are very subtle! The cycle of gaining and giving respect is essential to any relationship. It doesn’t come by quickly, and you must work for it.

So, if you worry that people don’t respect you and you have a tough time earning respect from others, say goodbye to these 7 behaviors.

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