Having Trouble Earning Respect From Others? These 7 Simple Behaviors Could Explain It

Earning Respect From Others
Photo by Ljupco Smokovski at Shutterstock

You don’t apologize when you’re wrong

When you don’t apologize for your mistakes or even admit you have them, it shows that you value your ego more than the feelings of other people. You lack accountability and humility. In other words, you haven’t been able to accept and learn from your shortcomings.

This determination can result in broken relationships and a loss of respect from others. We understand this can be a tough trait to learn, especially if you weren’t raised in an affectionate and gentle atmosphere. But for now, you can begin cultivating a habit of self-reflection.

Be more open to criticism and feedback, and swallow your pride. We all make mistakes. How we handle them defines our character and impacts how others respect us. Humility earns more respect from others than vanity ever will.

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