6 Signs You Have a Narcissistic Mother

Photo by fizkes from shutterstock.com

Have you been raised by a narcissistic mother?

While growing up, when you are a child, your parents are a big presence in your life, and this is completely normal. You rely on them for survival. For your emotional and physical safety, you need your parents to take care of you.

But as you grow up, you become more and more independent, and slowly but surely, you can live on your own. This is an essential part of a healthy parent-child relationship and is a shift that comes naturally.

Every kid becomes a full person with needs, desires, and perspectives that are completely worthy of the support of their parents. However, if you have a narcissistic mother, there is a high chance that your growing-up experience is totally different.

Hopefully, there are some clear signs that can tell you if you’ve been raised by a narcissistic mother, and we are about to share them with you. Read on and find out more.

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