6 Signs You Have a Narcissistic Mother

narcissistic mother
Photo by PeopleImages.com – Yuri A from shutterstock.com

1. Your mother wants you to be dependent on her

One of the classic signs of a narcissistic mother is that she wants to maintain control. They are scared that you’ve become a full-grown person because that means they can’t longer control you. But they have a strategy! Your narcissistic mother will try to make you depend on her in one way or another. When this happens, you’ll still be in contact with her, and this makes her influence more powerful.

Most of the time, they can choose the easy way, and they will use money to gain this power. Financial dependency is the easiest tactic, but your narcissistic mother can be much more subtle.

Maybe you’ve noticed that she always needs help, sometimes even with the most basic tasks. Or you might feel drawn to her because, for some reason, you still need her validation. These are other tactics of manipulation she can use to keep you close. She is afraid of losing the control she has over you and would do anything necessary to keep you around.

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