6 Signs You Have a Narcissistic Mother

Narcissistic Mother
Image by Nicoleta Ionescu from Shutterstock

2. They’re criticizing you all the time

Ok, most parents criticize their offspring, but constructive criticism is a good tool that can help you develop in a healthy way. However, a narcissistic mother’s criticism is not constructive in any way. It’s their strategy to make you always wonder about yourself and your self-worth. This type of criticism makes you feel inadequate and isn’t welcomed in anyone’s life.

What is even more dangerous, and something you can notice about your narcissistic mother, is that she criticizes you more than she praises you for your achievements. Your accomplishments are met with indifference or even belittlement.

The best thing you can do is break free from the cycle, and sooner or later, you will no longer need to walk on eggshells wondering if you are good enough.

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