6 Signs You Have a Narcissistic Mother

Narcissistic Mother
Image by boommaval from Shutterstock

4. They live for the drama

Occasional disagreements are not a big deal, and all families experience them once in a while. During more tense moments, disagreements and arguments can take place more often, but once this period of hardship has passed, things go back to normal.

But this is not the case when you have a narcissistic mother. These mothers make conflict the centerpiece of their lives, and they always want to be the center of attention. If you have a narcissistic mother, you are familiar with this pattern, and you know what we’re talking about.

Each minor misunderstanding turns into a full-blown drama, and this is why you don’t like going home that often. But why do they do that? Therapists explain that they need the emotional intensity drama creates. During these arguments, they can take control and manipulate the situation to their advantage. They are always portraying them as victims, and many times this works, drawing sympathy while at the same time deflecting any accountability for their actions.

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